Twitter's Painful Reaction to Bob Dylan's Chrysler Ad

Bob Dylan surprised the country last night when he starred in a Chrysler commercial. That's right, Bob Dylan. In a car commercial.

Here's the commercial:

In a Time Magazine interview in 1965, talking about his music, Bob Dylan said, "I've got nothing to say about these things I write, I just write 'em. I don't have to say anything about them — I don't write them for any reason, there's no great message." First of all, 1965? Yes, he's OLD. And most importantly, no one expected Bob Dylan to sell out to Chrysler.

So of course, people were surprised by the ad and thanks to twitter, we get to see the reactions.

There was disappointment.

There were old jokes.

And let's get real, Bob Dylan or not, the ad was ridiculously long.

There were the jokes that only some would understand.

And others had better ideas for the ad.

Bob Dylan + One of the worst Super Bowl's in history =

Rough night. May leftover chicken wings give you comfort this dark morning.

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