Meet the #WorldsMostTalkedAboutCouple!

We noticed that the hashtag #WorldsMostTalkedAboutCouple was trending on twitter. So we decided to click on the hashtag and go on a journey deep into the twitter vortex.

Who is the world's most talked about couple?

Unfortunately, all of these tweets are incorrect. Let's keep digging.

We knew Kim and Kanye were going to be on the cover of Vogue this month but come on, are they REALLY the #WorldsMostTalkedAboutCouple?


Surprise! According to Vogue, Kimye is the #WorldsMostTalkedAboutCouple. Seriously, it says it right there on the cover. Although we wouldn't be shocked if Kanye took credit for thinking of the hashtag. If you ask us, it's a little wordy.

So how's twitter taking the news?

Here's the problem, we don't want Kimye to be the world's most talked about couple but the world can't stop talking about them NOT being the world's most talked about couple.So like some of the twitter users we quoted above, we'd like to submit a few couples we'd like to takeover as #WorldsMostTalkedAboutCouple.

Don't expect to see Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez on the list. Justin made it pretty clear in his deposition a few weeks ago we weren't allowed to talk about her.


Back to the list!

1. Reeses Peanut Cups are the perfect coupling of peanut butter and chocolate. How did peanut butter and chocolate meet? What's their story? How do they settle an argument! These are questions we need answers to!SONY DSC

2. Peeta and Katniss but the odds aren't really in their favor.Peeta_&_Katinss_in_training_center

3. The best thing about Ben and Jerry is that they'll always be there for you. Always.benandjerrys

4. Tina and Jimmy Jr from the TV show Bob's Burgers. They're a match made in cartoon heaven, Jimmy Jr. just doesn't know it yet.

5. We know he's married and she doesn't really exist but if you asked us John Travolta and Adele Dazeem would make a great couple. We could talk about them for days and have already!john-travolta-gets-it-wrong(2)

Which couple do you think deserves the title #WorldsMostTalkedAboutCouple?

In our latest episode of #DisHarmony, our on screen couple Will and Nikki teach us how to win an argument. Watch now!

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