Don't Believe Twitter: Subway Jared Is Not Dead #RIPSubwayJared

Attention world: Jared Fogle, the man who lost a ton of weight using what he called "The Subway Diet" over 10 years ago, and has been Subway's spokeperson ever since, is NOT dead. Yes, the hashtag #RIPSubwayJared is trending on twitter but rest assured, he is alive and well. This is just another example of one of twitter's very successful hoaxes. There's no word on how this one started but it appears that people are aware it's a hoax and using that to their advantage to write funny tweets. 



Had enough jokes yet?



OK just a few more.



 We'd like to apologize on behalf of twitter. There's no hard feelings, right Jared?



Talk to us Jared! If you think about it, this is sort of like the twitter universe saying, "We love you." Right? 




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