The Drop

Tom Hardy plays (as beautifully as he always seems to do) a seemingly simple minded bar tender...

The Drop, Michael R. Roskam 2014

By Ali Tenenbaum

Tom Hardy plays (as beautifully as he always seems to do) a seemingly simple minded bar tender just trying to get by when his world is turned upside down by a bar robbery, a gal, and an injured puppy he finds in a garbage can.There is an ominous buildup with a slightly round-a-bout route to the heart of this story.

The Drop has a very dark menacing feeling.It’s a small neighborhood in a big bad city and you know evil lurks nearby.The director does a great job of setting the tone, the acting is really good (James Gandolfini adds to the mix in one of his last roles) and the story of this ostensibly gentle giant struggling to take care of business is quite gripping.Lots of themes: loyalty, corruption, romance and violence - all the makings for a juicy crime drama. If I were to pick nits, the pacing was a tad ponderous at times, but it wasn’t a huge problem - definitely worth seeing.

Grandma might enjoy the mystery but it’s violent, too violent for kids.

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