GMOs - What Do You Want to Know?

The term GMO has become ubiquitous in recent years, but the conversation surrounding it is unclear. Just what qualifies as a genetically-modified organism? Are they unsafe? Can Monsanto be trusted, or is it doing lasting damage to the nation's food supply? Should we be concerned, or is this a welcome scientific advance? Larry King will be hosting a panel discussion with experts on the topic next week on "Larry King Now" & we want you to join the conversation!

The term GMO has become ubiquitous in recent years, but the conversation surrounding it is unclear. Just what qualifies as a genetically-modified organism? Are they unsafe? Can Monsanto be trusted, or is it doing lasting damage to the nation's food supply? Should we be concerned, or is this a welcome scientific advance?

Larry King will be hosting a panel discussion with experts to debate these topics, dispel misinformation and provide clarity to the American public and beyond on the subject of GMOs next week on "Larry King Now" & we want you to join the conversation!

Post your questions in the comments below or send them to us on TwitterFacebook Google+ or Instagram for a chance to have Larry ask it on the show.

The interview will tape soon, but make sure to stay tuned to our Schedule page to see when this episode will be on “Larry King Now.” And make sure to bookmark our Where To Watch page to find out how you can stream this interview!

GMOs - what do you want to know? Larry King Now

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