Last Night's #ItsMy2Cents

The random thoughts that cross Larry King's mind...

No one will win the American League East this year…

Look at the weather in America and tell me we don't have climate change…

Little babies and new cars smell great....

I hate plastic utensils.…

I just invented a cure for which there is no known disease…

When I watch Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds it's absurd to me...

I've never been drawn to the ocean…

Michael Douglas is a terrific actor and should get more attention…

It's a hoot to have my own bingo app…

There's nothing like cold watermelon in the summer…

I know there's American cheese, but is there Canadian cheese?…

I wish I had a cleft chin…

I'm from New York so I take a haircut…

I love Bugs Bunny…

I love the old Sherlock Holmes movies…

Why is Barq's Root Beer spelled with a Q?…

Did you know that vitamin water contains reverse osmosis water whatever the hell that means…?

I don't see pinky rings anymore…

Do kids still shoot spitballs?…

As Arnold would say, I'll be back…

Source: Larry's hilariously random Twitter page

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