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WALTER WHITE OBIT: Fans Place Fake Death Notice for Iconic “Breaking Bad” Character

More from Ora: WALTER WHITE OBIT: Fans Place Fake Death Notice for Iconic “Breaking Bad” Character

MOM’S TURN: Housewife Jokingly Quits Family in Her Own Version of Viral “I Quit” Video

NewsBreakerOct 04 '13

A New England mom and housewife, inspired by Marina Shifrin’s “I Quit” video decided to make a video of her own. Brenna Jennings is tired, tired of trash, mess and a dirty house! She dances around just like Shifrin, and even has text popping up on screen sharing her grievances. And just when you think Jennings quits… just kidding! Turns out she’s leaving the house cause they’re all out of milk.