LAST WEEK, I posted an article on my Facebook page that discusses how TheNew York Times and The Guardian called for Edward Snowden’s clemency in an editorial. Although Snowden technically broke the law by revealing the NSA's classified documents, the editorial boards argued that he provided an important service to the American people by exposing the illegal actions of the NSA. In essence, the ends justified the means and therefore Obama should pardon Snowden instead of punishing him as a traitor.

I felt compelled to post that article on Facebook because I have always believed Snowden was a patriot in every sense of the word. When I speak about dissent, when I speak about exposing the truth, most people think it’s easy for me because of who I am…but it’s never been easy.

The mainstream media’s first reaction to a whistleblower, or anyone who brings to light something mainstream reporters don’t know, is to marginalize that person. Whether reporters feel their jobs are threatened or it crushes their pride that someone had intel they were completely unaware of (and it’s their job to know)—whatever the reason—they completely shrug you off like you’re a nut (often in my case) or a traitor (like in Edward Snowden’s case).

Many of my fans commented on my Facebook post, stating that the call for clemency is a trap. That Obama is in on this—that he is trying to bait Snowden to come back home so he can be arrested. Well, that’s a classic ops move, and that would make for one hell of a conspiracy theory. Could you imagine, all those people at The New York Times and The Guardian would have to be in on it! Well, I will tell you this: it could be possible. Our own president was murdered in plain sight and all evidence was ignored or disappeared, and many witnesses “mysteriously” died, so yeah, I believe anything is possible and I was proud to see so many fans question the media to that extent.

BUT—what I would like to believe is that the reporters at The New York Times and The Guardian have finally opened their eyes. I would like to believe that this is the first step in getting the media back to being the watchdog, back to being the 4th branch of government that looks underneath the rug and then breaks through the floorboards to get to whatever is in the basement. That they are finally putting their pride and jealousy aside and welcoming Snowden as a truth teller, a man with a conscience, a man who puts the love of his country before his own personal safety. Edward Snowden is what every investigative journalist should aspire to be and maybe, just maybe, they are inspired to become more like him.

At the end of the day, Snowden’s conscience couldn’t live with what the NSA is doing, and that’s a big deal. The NSA and other branches of the government are clearly brainwashing and threatening employees to believe that if they speak out against something that’s obviously wrong then they’re traitors, they’ll be put in jail, and the government will destroy everything they love. That’s the definition of bullying and Snowden stood up to the biggest bully of them all—and if this call for clemency is really sincere, then Snowden is definitely winning against all odds.

Remember: just because it isn’t in the news anymore, that doesn’t mean it stopped. Something like wiretapping every citizen is still going on and excuse me but didn't Nixon get impeached for Watergate!? How can a president be fired for something the NSA is doing every day, and continues to do!?

Clemency aside, make a pact to support Edward Snowden. There’s a judge on our side who determined the NSA unconstitutional, and then there’s another judge who is against us. So it's a battle. Remember Syria? Call, harass annoy until these representatives face the truth: when something’s wrong, it’s wrong. When something’s illegal, it’s illegal. When something’s unconstitutional—you guessed it—it’s unconstitutional.

The NSA doesn’t get any special privileges. Edward Snowden is my personal hero, and Bradley Manning and Julian Assange are right up there with him.



Gov. Jesse Ventura


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