It's time again to answer questions from you, my vigilant fans! Got a question for the Governor? Sound off at

Mark Boothe from Texas asks: Is it possible to repeal NAFTA? In my opinion the American middle class began its death spiral when NAFTA was passed.

Jesse Says:

I dont know if it is or not because theres so many countries involved.

I didnt know a great deal about it way back when it was introduced. If I knew then what I know today, I would not have backed it.

-Jesse Ventura


Daniel W from CO asks: In regards to gun control, I think we need to have reference checks. You need them for a job but nobody has to vouch for your mental state 4 guns.

Jesse Says:

I dont think that thats going to really help very much. If somebody wants to get the gun, all they have to do is get a couple of their buddies to vouch for them and theyll be home free Id guess.

Let me finish by my definition of gun control: standing at 25 meters and putting two rounds in the hole. Thats gun control. When you can put two rounds in the same hole from 25 meters. That means you control that weapon excellently!

Im not a gun nut. I agree that there are people that should not have them. Unstable people should not have them and I have no problem with us enforcing situations like that. But to go after and penalize law-abiding citizens for what the bad guys do, thats also wrong.

-Jesse Ventura


Johnathon Green from Arkansas asks:If you were elected the POTUS, what would you do about our "Central Banking System?”

Jesse Says:

I dont know what I could do about it individually because I dont think the president has the power to just get rid of the federal reserve.

I would bring it to light over the fact that it was created and our constitution specifically says there will be no central bank. So why do we have one? I certainly would raise that question and have it debated so that the public could gain better knowledge. Then we could make a knowledgeable choice moving forward on whether to continue with the central bank or not.

Our forefathers did not want it. They said it was the root of evil and yet we got it.

-Jesse Ventura

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