It's time again to answer questions from you, my vigilant fans! Got a question for the Governor? Sound off at


Daniel Jones From New Mexico: Why does this government even allow Lobbying?

Jesse Says:

It’s because lobbyists pave the way for the politicians with their pocketbooks! Then the politicians use that money to get reelected to their cushy jobs. It’s a vicious circle.

-Jesse Ventura

Stevo on OTG Blog Asks: Why is there no uproar over the sheer numbers of prescription med ads on TV? Big pharma profits geared to hypochondriacs.

Jesse Says:

Absolutely! There are way too many advertisements pushing drugs on people. They use fear to get into your pockets. They have Ads telling you to tell your doctor about this new drug. Your doctor should be telling you what medication to take, not your television! If you have to tell you’re doctor what you need, then he’s a dealer not a doctor.

-Jesse Ventura

Dawn Allen on OTG Blog Asks: What do you recommend as a trusted news source, or is there any?

Jesse Says:

At this point, I’m skeptical of everything. Mainstream media doesn’t report on anything. It just pushes its own agenda. The Internet can be a good place but you have to be careful and sift through the bullshit.

-Jesse Ventura

The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of Ora Media, LLC its affiliates, or its employees.

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