Charles Koch of Koch Industries, the second largest private company in America, has reportedly spent millions of dollars lobbying the federal government. So why is he downplaying his political influence? 

It wasn't too long ago when Charles G. and David H. Koch announced plans to spend an outrageous $889 million on the 2016 Presidential campaign.

Represent.Us reports that this election will be the most expensive in history. Take a look at the image below for the shocking numbers.

Represent.Us also shows data proving unequivocally that money really does influence politics and that those who donate the heaviest, reap the most political benefits. If you need even further proof, check out my previous article and read the joint study that came out of Princeton and Northwestern universities showing that average Americans have no influence over policy.

So when Charles Koch told the Washington Post in an exclusive interview on Monday, that his political influence wasn't really that great, my eyes nearly popped out of my head.

Here's a snipped of the Q & A

Washington Post:

What do you say to those who believe you have too much influence?

Charles Koch:

Wow, believe me, if I had too much, a lot of things would change. Just like the very things we’ve been talking about -- this trend toward a two-tiered society and the trajectory we’re on that’s taking us there and criminal justice.

Washington Post:

The network you helped create is now arguably one of the most powerful forces in American politics --

Charles Koch:

Gosh, I hope you’re right. I haven’t seen that as much. People like to overstate the case.

Washington Post:

How is it fair that people who have more money have more of a voice in politics? Isn’t that an imbalance?

Charles Koch:

Well, voice, what does that mean? I mean, the government is largely influenced by people who advocate corporate welfare and advocate these policies that create this two-tiered society … So I mean, a voice, yeah, we get more press. You all are interested in what we say. But are we really having an influence?

What do you guys think about the Koch brothers' $889 million budget for 2016? Sound off below.


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