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That Awkward Moment When Your Kid Asks For A

More from Ora: That Awkward Moment When Your Kid Asks For A "Michael Jackson Pancake"

PARENT HORRIBLE ACTIVITY: Mom Thinks* Son Is Possessed By Ghost. (*Is Told By Reality Television Producers)

WTFarkNov 11 '14

In 1983, a young marine was tragically killed by a bomb in Beruit. Now, in 2014, a four-year-old child thinks that he is the reincarnated spirit of that marine. I’m sorry- did I say that the child thinks that? I meant to say his mom does because that is what some producers of some reality television show led her to believe. Good thing the local news station has the journalistic integrity to discern this. (feigned laughter) Oh come one, who are we kidding! Additional music by Kevin McLeod.

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