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This Little Girl Getting Emotional While Watching The Chipmunks Adventure Has Literally Melted My Heart Into Heart Goo

More from Ora: This Little Girl Getting Emotional While Watching The Chipmunks Adventure Has Literally Melted My Heart Into Heart Goo

SHART OF DARKNESS: Viral Twerk Shart Video Shows Girl Twerking And Sharting… But What Does It Say About Us As A Society???

WTFarkNov 13 '14

It seems like there’s a new viral twerk video every week, doesn’t it? Well, this week is no different. There’s a new viral video going around the internet that *allegedly* shows a Russian girl twerking for a new iPhone when she sharts herself (a fart turned solid). Gross, right? Well maybe the grosser video is the video of us watching that video while society’s serious problems bubble and fester around us... Additional music by Kevin McLeod.