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KENTUCKY FRIED RAT: Los Angeles Man (Allegedly) Finds Fried Rat In His Bucket Of Chicken

More from Ora: KENTUCKY FRIED RAT: Los Angeles Man (Allegedly) Finds Fried Rat In His Bucket Of Chicken

WEIRD NEWS HEADLINES (06/18/15): Ketchup Bottle Porn, Baymax’s Penis, And A Dildo Bomb!

WTFarkJun 18 '15

First we head to Germany where a man discovered that the QR-Code on the back of his Heinz Ketchup bottle sent him to a porn site. Then we head to Imgur, where a viral photo of Baymax from Big Hero 6 shows an inflation nozzle that looks a lot like a penis. And lastly, we head to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where a man attempted to rob a bank with a makeshift bomb made from a dildo.