Twitter Reacts To Justin Bieber's Deposition

TMZ somehow obtained a copy of the video from Justin Bieber's deposition in Miami last week. Just in case you forgot or were unaware because there are other real and more important things going on in the world, he was there for the law suit against his body guard who allegedly beat up a photographer.

Clearly Justin was told by his lawyers to say as little as possible because his answers vary from "I don't know" to "I don't recall" to "What kind of question is that?" Did his lawyers also tell Justin to act like a complete tool-bag? Or was that his idea?

His attitude is infuriating and it's clear that whoever is questioning him is about to explode.

Justin compares the deposition to a 60 Minutes interview. Oh Justin, 60 Minutes would never interview you!

Justin gets especially angry when he's asked about Selena Gomez and insists that they NEVER ask him questions about her. NEVER. OH NOW he's a gentlemen. But peeing in a bucket at a restaurant, being arrested for drag racing while high in a rented Lamborghini with a model in the front seat and egging your neighbor's house are totally fine, as long as Selena Gomez isn't around.

While the entire deposition is, let's face it, wildly entertaining/excruciating, we've saved the best part for last. When asked if Usher was instrumental in Justin's career, Justin pretended he didn't understand, stalled, and of course, his lawyer stepped in to ask why this question was at all relevant. (Which, to be fair, is a good point but ANSWER THE QUESTION ANYWAY JUSTIN.) After a half a minute or so, Justin answers the question. He looks right into the camera and says...

"I was found on youtube. I think that I was detrimental to my own career." Instrumental, detrimental, tomato, tomahto, right?

Nailed it.