The Evolution of Hip Hop Dance with Jimmy Fallon and Will Smith

Last night was Jimmy Fallon's first night starring on The Tonight Show and he started it off explaining to all of Jay Leno's fans exactly who he is. Actually, his opening monologue wasn't a typical monologue but more of a heartfelt sincere speech about how thrilled and grateful he is to be there. He introduced his parents, Higgins, The Roots and even got a little teary eyed. You guys, Jimmy Fallon might be the most likable person on television, maybe ever.

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But we digress, let's get to the funny. Jimmy promised that hosting The Tonight Show wouldn't change him and last night, he kept that promise by inviting Will Smith on the show for the Evolution of Hip Hop Dance. The overalls are priceless.

And since this isn't the first sketch like it, check out the evolution of Jimmy Fallon's evolution of dance.

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