The Reaction To President Obama's Appearance On Between Two Ferns

It's been two days since Funny or Die released their latest episode of Between Two Ferns featuring President Obama who was there to promote his website

Between Two Ferns

Of course, this sent Fox News and many other conservatives over the edge. Bill O'Reilly and several other pundits were upset that Obama would take time out of his schedule to be on an online comedy show which they feel is making a mockery of the sacred office of the president.

When it comes down to it, at Daily Rehash we're just looking to be entertained and Obama's appearance on Between Two Ferns wasreally really funny.


So of course, we turned to twitter, like we so often do here, to see what the people were saying!

It looks like regardless of your political leaning, the video was undeniably funny. But was it effective?

Stephen Colbert opened last night's episode of The Colbert Report on this issue specifically calling out Bill O'Reilly's argument that Lincoln would never do a this to which Colbert replied, "It's true. You can't fight that logic. Abe Lincoln would never have done a viral web video." Touché.

To see the episode of Between Two Ferns click here.

In other viral video news, in our latest episode of Daily Rehash we covered the Strangers Kissing video that all your friends have been posting on Facebook. Check it out.

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