Pro-Hillary Clinton hashtag backfires on social media

Bernie Sanders supporters, who are notoriously good at coming up with Bernie hashtags, are also getting good at taking over Hillary’s hashtags, too.

By Bronte Price, PoliticKING

Bernie Sanders had harsh words for Hillary Clinton at a rally at Temple University on Wednesday, calling her “unqualified” to be president.  These words came just days after Sanders’ win in Wisconsin, which still left him lagging in the delegate count. Sanders told supporters that “Secretary Clinton appears to be getting a little bit nervous.”

“She has been saying lately that she thinks I am quote-unquote not qualified to be president,” Sanders said.  “Let me just say in response to Secretary Clinton, I don’t believe that she is qualified if she is through her super PAC taking tens of millions of dollars in special-interest money.  I don’t think you are qualified if you get $15 million through Wall Street for your super PAC.”

Kim Frederick, a fierce Hillary supporter, was reportedly furious with this remark and started the hashtag, #HillarySoQualified in response.  “I was livid,” she told reporters.  “Just beyond fiercely angry about this, and I could barely control myself.  Even talking about it now gets me worked up.”

The hashtag began trending as Hillary supporters piled on the tweets from across the country.

However, it was soon hijacked by Sanders supporters who used the hashtag sarcastically.

This is not the first time there has been an anti-Clinton hashtag widely trending.  Other examples include #WhichHillary, commenting on her history of shifting policy views, and #ToneDownForWhat, which emerged after Clinton criticised Sanders’s for his tone.

One Hillary supporter described her frustration with the Bernie hashtag takeovers to the Washington Post.  “Any time a Hillary Clinton hashtag gets started, in the beginning…it’s going to be our stuff,” she said.  “Whenever it starts to trend, we own it for five, ten minutes, and then these Bernie tots come in and start trying to take it over.”

Here’s what Harry Enten has to say about how Hillary Clinton is running her campaign:

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